Private Sub cmdMergeLetter_Click() ' © 1999 Arvin Meyer ' This code was written by Arvin Meyer ' It is not to be altered or distributed, ' except as part of an application. ' You are free to use it in any application, ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. On Error GoTo Err_cmdMergeLetter_Click Dim WordTemplate As String Dim strFullName As String Dim objWord As Word.Application Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") WordTemplate = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\" strFullName = Me.txtPersonFirstName & " " & Me.txtPersonLastName With objWord .Visible = True .Documents.Add (WordTemplate) .Caption = "Letter to " & strFullName & " ' If document is protected, Unprotect it. If .ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then .ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:="" End If .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CompanyName").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtCompanyName)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("FirstName").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtPersonFirstName)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("LastName").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtPersonLastName)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Address").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtPersonAddress)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("City").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtPersonCity)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("State").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtPersonState)) .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ZipCode").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me.txtZip)) .Activate ' ReProtect the document. If .ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdNoProtection Then .ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True End If .ActiveDocument.PrintOut .ActiveDocument.Close (wdDoNotSaveChanges) End With Exit_cmdMergeLetter_Click: objWord.Quit Set objWord = Nothing Exit Sub Err_cmdMergeLetter_Click: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "Error" Resume Exit_cmdMergeLetter_Click End Sub